The best part is that the box is pretty big. 5 1/2 inches wide (from side to side, not point to point) and 3 inches tall. I think I am going to put some clear acetate inside to seal off the box before I use it.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Snowflake box made with Silhouette Cameo
Here is a box I cut out using my new Silhouette. I downloaded the file from the Silhouette website for only 75 cents. I cut the base to fit a 12 x 12 page and then the top was small enough to fit on a smaller standard size paper. It was easy to put together and I am rather impressed with the results.
The best part is that the box is pretty big. 5 1/2 inches wide (from side to side, not point to point) and 3 inches tall. I think I am going to put some clear acetate inside to seal off the box before I use it.
The best part is that the box is pretty big. 5 1/2 inches wide (from side to side, not point to point) and 3 inches tall. I think I am going to put some clear acetate inside to seal off the box before I use it.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Cricut not so much my way
Six months later, I picked up a Silhouette. I returned it because I hated it. I became that day a very loyal Cricut user.
However, today I used the new Silhouette Cameo. Can I say I love this machine. I bought it for the print and cut versatility. I will say that my expectations were high and it indeed meets everything I wanted it to do. I just have not been sold on the imagine and this ended up being a better fit for me.
Above is the first thing I tried after a brief learning curve. Basically 20 minutes after it came out of the box. I was able to make the image above. I used the shield that came with the cameo and a font on my computer.
Next, I tried opening a jpeg and seeing if I could do the same thing. Here next thing I printed and cut.
It did it perfectly. I love this machine. Any thing that can be made in Photoshop can be cut. I made these Hot cocoa sundaes a few weeks ago. The idea came from the family fun magazine. I ended up cutting this tag square, because I didn’t want to hand cut it all out. Now I can do it any way I want.
Lastly, I wanted to be able to cut a shadow (not on the printed line, as I did above). Can I say “Cameo, where have you been my whole life?”
Cameo, you have earned your spot next to my cricut. Welcome home.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
CCC #97
Are you ready for Cricut Cardz Challenge #97? This week "A Caroling We'll Go!" Make a card for Christmas based on your favorite Christmas song, using any cartridge(s) and using any colors you'd like.
My card is Noel card for the "First Noel" I have so many favorite songs this season, and this is one of them.
Hope you join us for this challenge at Cardz TV.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Advent Calendar 2011 gold and silver boxes
I do an advent each year. Most years it is done nightly by candlelight. Scripture, 4-5 songs and a Christmas story. This year I thought I would mix it up a bit by having a theme. I thought I would share our plan for this year. This was adapted from an advent I found on Sugardoodle. We will also still read some stories too, as this is a favorite part of our tradition.
Here is the link to what we did last year here.
Each of these below is put in a handmade box and place on our tree.
O = Ornament
S = Scripture
T = Theme for that day
A = Activity
DAY 1:
O: Christmas Tree
S: John 3:16; Moroni 7:22-23
T: Represents eternal life, evergreen needles point heavenward
A: Sing "O Christmas Tree", "I'll be Home for Christmas"
DAY 2:
O: Mary
S: Luke 1:26-38
T: Gabriel visits Mary
A: Sing "Silent Night", "Mary's Lullaby", "Picture Christmas"
DAY 3:
O: Joseph
S: Matt. 1:18-23
T: Joseph's dream
A: Sing "Picture Chrstmas", "When Joseph Went to Bethlemhem"
DAY 4:
O: Instead of an ornament, they find the chocolate gold coins
S: Luke 2:1-5; Micah 5:2
T: Caesar's tax/Bethlehem
A: Sing "O Little Town of Bethlehem", "Once Within the Royal City"
DAY 5:
O: Baby Jesus
S: Luke 2:6-7; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6-7
T: Birth of Jesus
A: Sing "Away in a Manger", "Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel"
DAY 6:
O: Instead of an ornament, they find a cocoa packet
S: Luke 2:6-7 (again!); Matt. 25:31-40
T: "no room in the inn" vs. "I was thirsty--and ye gave me drink"
A: Drink cocoa and let kids choose a family to serve on "red bow day" below....
Sing "12 Days of Christmas", "Drummer Boy"
DAY 7:
O: Angel
S: Luke 2:8-14
T: "Good tidings of great joy"
A: Sing the Angel songs--"The First Noel," "Angels We Have Heard on High," "Far, Far Away," "Hark the Herald Angels Sing..."
DAY 8:
O: Shepherd
S: Luke 2:15-20
T: "Let us now go to Bethlehem"
A: Sing "O Come All Ye Faithful", "Far, Far away on Judea's Plains", "The Shephard's Carol"
DAY 9:
O: Bells
S: Psalms 66:1-2
T: "Make a joyful noise"
A: Sing "Joy to the World", "I Heard the Bells", "Silver Bels"
DAY 10:
O: Candle
S: Luke 2:25-38; John 8:12
T: Simeon and Anna ("a light to lighten")
A: Sing Christmas carols by candlelight tonight everyone pick one song each
DAY 11:
O: Wisemen
S: Matt. 2:1-12
T: Seeking Jesus
A: Sing "We 3 Kings"
DAY 12:
O: Star
S: Helaman 14:1-6
T: "A new star arise"--a Heavenly promise to ALL of God's children
A: Drive around to look at Christmas lights in the neighborhood
Sing "Stars are gleaming", "Samuel Tells of Baby Jesus", " O Holy Night"
DAY 13:
O: Oxen
S: Abraham 4:24-25; Isaiah 1:3
T: Savior as Creator "Ox knows his master"--do we?
A: Bundle up good and go on a walk together to appreciate His other creations!
Sing "The Nativity Song"
DAY 14:
O: Donkey (that carried Mary)
S: Matt. 21:1-9
T: Triumphal Entry
A: Sing "He Sent His Son", "The Nativity Song"
DAY 15:
O: Candy Canes
S: Ezek. 34:11-16, 31
T: Jesus will seek out His flock
A: Give away a Book of Mormon/Church video to a nonmember family today!
Sing favorite Christmas songs
DAY 16:
O: Red bows
S: Isaiah 61:1-3
T: "BIND UP the brokenhearted"/ tied in bonds of brotherhood....
A: Put red bows on tree, and n top of a treat that you deliver to someone who needs to be loved
Sing "We Wish you a Merry Christmas", "Deck the Halls"
DAY 17:
O: (Today they just find the scroll in the box), but it's EGGNOG day!
S: D&C 38: 17-20
T: God's blessings to His people--"land flowing with MILK and honey"
A: Drink eggnog and take turns expressing a blessing you're grateful for
O: Candy Canes
S: Ezek. 34:11-16, 31
T: Jesus will seek out His flock
A: Give away a Book of Mormon/Church video to a nonmember family today!
DAY 18:
O: Stocking
S: Luke 10: 38-42
T: Do we "sit at His FEET" or are we busy with parties?
A: Discuss how we can think of Jesus and serve Him
Sing " I stand all Amazed"
DAY 19:
O: Gingerbread men
S: John 6:28-35
T: "Bread of Life"
A: Make Gingerbread men/house
Sing " A Holly Jolly Christmas", "Frosty the Snowman"
DAY 20:
O: Holly/Mistletoe
S: Mosiah 3: 5-11
T: Red berries/ green thorns-- "blood cometh from every pore"/crown of thorns
A: Hang mistletoe above the door
Sing favorite songs about Jesus
DAY 21:
O: Snowman/ icicles
S: Isaiah 1:18; Revelations 3:5
T: Forgiveness ("white as snow")
A: Sing "Let it Snow!" or make snowman/snow angels, cut out snowflakes....
DAY 22:
O: Poinsettia
S: D&C 49:22-28; D&C 133:46-51
T: Second Coming ("blossom as the rose," "red apparel")
A: Make or buy a poinsettia and display in a prominent place
DAY 23:
O: Pannetone (or fruit cake)--pannetone or favorite Christmas treat
S: D&C 135:3
A: Sing happy birthday to him and eat his birthday (fruit) cake
DAY 24:
O: Gifts
S: James 1:17-27
T: "Every good gift from above"
A: Think of a meaningful gift to give to Jesus this year
Read Luke 2 Nativity Story
Here is the link to what we did last year here.
Each of these below is put in a handmade box and place on our tree.
O = Ornament
S = Scripture
T = Theme for that day
A = Activity
DAY 1:
O: Christmas Tree
S: John 3:16; Moroni 7:22-23
T: Represents eternal life, evergreen needles point heavenward
A: Sing "O Christmas Tree", "I'll be Home for Christmas"
DAY 2:
O: Mary
S: Luke 1:26-38
T: Gabriel visits Mary
A: Sing "Silent Night", "Mary's Lullaby", "Picture Christmas"
DAY 3:
O: Joseph
S: Matt. 1:18-23
T: Joseph's dream
A: Sing "Picture Chrstmas", "When Joseph Went to Bethlemhem"
DAY 4:
O: Instead of an ornament, they find the chocolate gold coins
S: Luke 2:1-5; Micah 5:2
T: Caesar's tax/Bethlehem
A: Sing "O Little Town of Bethlehem", "Once Within the Royal City"
DAY 5:
O: Baby Jesus
S: Luke 2:6-7; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6-7
T: Birth of Jesus
A: Sing "Away in a Manger", "Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel"
DAY 6:
O: Instead of an ornament, they find a cocoa packet
S: Luke 2:6-7 (again!); Matt. 25:31-40
T: "no room in the inn" vs. "I was thirsty--and ye gave me drink"
A: Drink cocoa and let kids choose a family to serve on "red bow day" below....
Sing "12 Days of Christmas", "Drummer Boy"
DAY 7:
O: Angel
S: Luke 2:8-14
T: "Good tidings of great joy"
A: Sing the Angel songs--"The First Noel," "Angels We Have Heard on High," "Far, Far Away," "Hark the Herald Angels Sing..."
DAY 8:
O: Shepherd
S: Luke 2:15-20
T: "Let us now go to Bethlehem"
A: Sing "O Come All Ye Faithful", "Far, Far away on Judea's Plains", "The Shephard's Carol"
DAY 9:
O: Bells
S: Psalms 66:1-2
T: "Make a joyful noise"
A: Sing "Joy to the World", "I Heard the Bells", "Silver Bels"
DAY 10:
O: Candle
S: Luke 2:25-38; John 8:12
T: Simeon and Anna ("a light to lighten")
A: Sing Christmas carols by candlelight tonight everyone pick one song each
DAY 11:
O: Wisemen
S: Matt. 2:1-12
T: Seeking Jesus
A: Sing "We 3 Kings"
DAY 12:
O: Star
S: Helaman 14:1-6
T: "A new star arise"--a Heavenly promise to ALL of God's children
A: Drive around to look at Christmas lights in the neighborhood
Sing "Stars are gleaming", "Samuel Tells of Baby Jesus", " O Holy Night"
DAY 13:
O: Oxen
S: Abraham 4:24-25; Isaiah 1:3
T: Savior as Creator "Ox knows his master"--do we?
A: Bundle up good and go on a walk together to appreciate His other creations!
Sing "The Nativity Song"
DAY 14:
O: Donkey (that carried Mary)
S: Matt. 21:1-9
T: Triumphal Entry
A: Sing "He Sent His Son", "The Nativity Song"
DAY 15:
O: Candy Canes
S: Ezek. 34:11-16, 31
T: Jesus will seek out His flock
A: Give away a Book of Mormon/Church video to a nonmember family today!
Sing favorite Christmas songs
DAY 16:
O: Red bows
S: Isaiah 61:1-3
T: "BIND UP the brokenhearted"/ tied in bonds of brotherhood....
A: Put red bows on tree, and n top of a treat that you deliver to someone who needs to be loved
Sing "We Wish you a Merry Christmas", "Deck the Halls"
DAY 17:
O: (Today they just find the scroll in the box), but it's EGGNOG day!
S: D&C 38: 17-20
T: God's blessings to His people--"land flowing with MILK and honey"
A: Drink eggnog and take turns expressing a blessing you're grateful for
O: Candy Canes
S: Ezek. 34:11-16, 31
T: Jesus will seek out His flock
A: Give away a Book of Mormon/Church video to a nonmember family today!
DAY 18:
O: Stocking
S: Luke 10: 38-42
T: Do we "sit at His FEET" or are we busy with parties?
A: Discuss how we can think of Jesus and serve Him
Sing " I stand all Amazed"
DAY 19:
O: Gingerbread men
S: John 6:28-35
T: "Bread of Life"
A: Make Gingerbread men/house
Sing " A Holly Jolly Christmas", "Frosty the Snowman"
DAY 20:
O: Holly/Mistletoe
S: Mosiah 3: 5-11
T: Red berries/ green thorns-- "blood cometh from every pore"/crown of thorns
A: Hang mistletoe above the door
Sing favorite songs about Jesus
DAY 21:
O: Snowman/ icicles
S: Isaiah 1:18; Revelations 3:5
T: Forgiveness ("white as snow")
A: Sing "Let it Snow!" or make snowman/snow angels, cut out snowflakes....
DAY 22:
O: Poinsettia
S: D&C 49:22-28; D&C 133:46-51
T: Second Coming ("blossom as the rose," "red apparel")
A: Make or buy a poinsettia and display in a prominent place
DAY 23:
O: Pannetone (or fruit cake)--pannetone or favorite Christmas treat
S: D&C 135:3
A: Sing happy birthday to him and eat his birthday (fruit) cake
DAY 24:
O: Gifts
S: James 1:17-27
T: "Every good gift from above"
A: Think of a meaningful gift to give to Jesus this year
Read Luke 2 Nativity Story
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